Impact of Covid-19 on textiles services business survey June 2020 in Belgium, France, Germany, the UK, the USA and Switzerland.

Importance of Textiles services in the EU economy

Textiles services are an important economic sector in the EU, with a sizable share in the national economies. The professional supply of hygienically clean textiles is an essential contribution to successfully containing and combating the current pandemic. Our services will contribute to the safe and green rebuilding of European societies.

Impact of Covid-19 on Textiles Services

Mobility restrictions and lockdown have struck the Textiles services sector to the core. Main issues as raised by national associations business members (Belgium, France, Germany, the UK, the USA and Switzerland) in a June 2020 ETSA-NAs survey on Covid-19 business impact between March and May:

  • Loss of revenues: revenues decreased sharply in industries, services workwear as well as in the health sector. Revenues plummeted by more than 80 % in April in the hospitality sector
  • Return to pre covid-19 revenues: between 12 months to more than 18 months will be needed
  • Massive resort to furlough of personal to avoid lay off as much as possible throughout the sector
  • Investments severely cut back
  • Cancelled orders on new equipment, products and services having a cascading negative effect on suppliers

Measures for a more resilient and sustainable EU circular economy

The Textiles services sector already identified measures to mitigate the adverse impacts of the covid-19 crisis and boost a more resilient and sustainable circular economy in its call for recovery measures on 5th June 2020:

    • Recognize professional textile care as essential services and integrate them in emergency plans
    • Help restart economic activities • Ensure security of supply chains and jobs
  • Strengthen and encourage reusable solutions
  • Protect workers and citizens by not washing workwear at home

The national trade associations for the textile care services industry represent commercial laundry and textile rental businesses. We are part of the solution for other businesses in those recovery times. We are essential because our members supply hygienically cleaned workwear, linen and other textiles to the rest of the economy.

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